Talk:Create SD Image Version 0.8.4
Apache: Don't log certain files
Turn off PiCam LED
In /boot/config.txt add:
Time lapse script
for i in $(seq -f "%05g" 1 3000) do echo $i date; raspistill -vf -hf -o image2$i.jpg sleep 9 done
Stitch the jpgs into a mpeg
ffmpeg -i image2*.jpg output.mpeg
Convert raspivid .h264 to .mp4
ffmpeg -r 30 -i video_in.h264 -vcodec copy video_out.mp4
Stream video on YouTube
This is obsolete unless someone supports ffserver:
Change /etc/ffserver.conf to: # ### This works but needs to be optimized ### Port 8090 # bind to all IPs aliased or not BindAddress # max number of simultaneous clients MaxClients 10 # max bandwidth per-client (kb/s) MaxBandwidth 1000 # Suppress that if you want to launch ffserver as a daemon. NoDaemon <Feed feed1.ffm> File /tmp/feed1.ffm FileMaxSize 10M </Feed> <Stream test.mjpg> Feed feed1.ffm Format mpjpeg VideoFrameRate 8 VideoSize 600x480 # VideoBitRate 80 # VideoQMin 1 # VideoQMax 100 VideoIntraOnly NoAudio Strict -1 </Stream>