Sensors: HX711
gurov was here, use this code, or don't, whatever, I don't care. If you see a giant bug with a billion legs, please let me know so it can be squashed
gcc -o hx711wp hx711wp.c -lwiringPi
- /
- include <stdint.h>
- include <sys/types.h>
- include <stdio.h>
- include <sched.h>
- include <string.h>
- include <stdlib.h>
- include <wiringPi.h>
- include "locking.h"
- define CLOCK_PIN 5
- define DATA_PIN 4
- define N_SAMPLES 64
- define SPREAD 10
- define SCK_ON (GPIO_SET0 = (1 << CLOCK_PIN))
- define SCK_OFF (GPIO_CLR0 = (1 << CLOCK_PIN))
- define DT_R (GPIO_IN0 & (1 << DATA_PIN))
void reset_converter(void); unsigned long read_cnt(long offset, int argc); void set_gain(int r); void setHighPri (void); int data_pin = DATA_PIN; int clock_pin = CLOCK_PIN;
void setHighPri (void)
struct sched_param sched ;
memset (&sched, 0, sizeof(sched)) ;
sched.sched_priority = 10 ; if (sched_setscheduler (0, SCHED_FIFO, &sched)) printf ("Warning: Unable to set high priority\n") ;
static uint8_t sizecvt(const int read) {
/* digitalRead() and friends from wiringpi are defined as returning a value < 256. However, they are returned as int() types. This is a safety function */
if (read > 255 || read < 0) { printf("Invalid data from wiringPi library\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return (uint8_t)read;
void power_down_hx711()
digitalWrite(clock_pin, HIGH);
void setup_gpio() {
pinMode(clock_pin, OUTPUT); pinMode(data_pin, INPUT); digitalWrite(clock_pin, LOW);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int lockfd; int iPin = 0; int iErr = 0; char cMode = 'V'; int iReturnCode = 0;
int i, j; long tmp=0; long tmp_avg=0; long tmp_avg2; long offset=0; float filter_low, filter_high; float spread_percent = SPREAD / 100.0 /2.0; int b; int nsamples=N_SAMPLES; long samples[nsamples];
if (argc == 2) { offset = atol(argv[1]); } if (argc == 4){ clock_pin = atol(argv[1]); data_pin = atol(argv[2]); offset = atol(argv[3]); }
// lockfd = open_lockfile(LOCKFILE);
iErr = wiringPiSetup (); if (iErr == -1) { if (cMode == 'V') printf ("ERROR : Failed to init WiringPi %d\n", iErr); iReturnCode = -1; }
setHighPri(); setup_gpio();
// reset_converter();
// get the dirty samples and average them for(i=0;i<nsamples;i++) { // reset_converter(); // reset_converter(); samples[i] = read_cnt(0, argc); tmp_avg += samples[i]; }
tmp_avg = tmp_avg / nsamples;
tmp_avg2 = 0; j=0;
filter_low = (float) tmp_avg * (1.0 - spread_percent); filter_high = (float) tmp_avg * (1.0 + spread_percent);
// printf("%d %d\n", (int) filter_low, (int) filter_high);
for(i=0;i<nsamples;i++) {
if ((samples[i] < filter_high && samples[i] > filter_low) ||
(samples[i] > filter_high && samples[i] < filter_low) ) {
tmp_avg2 += samples[i]; j++; }
if (j == 0) { printf("No data to consider\n"); exit(255);
} printf("%d\n", (tmp_avg2 / j) - offset);
// printf("average within %f percent: %d from %d samples, original: %d\n", spread_percent*100, (tmp_avg2 / j) - offset, j, tmp_avg - offset); // unpull_pins(); // restore_io(); // power_down_hx711(); }
void reset_converter(void) {
digitalWrite(clock_pin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(40); digitalWrite(clock_pin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(60);
void set_gain(int r) { int i;
// r = 0 - 128 gain ch a // r = 1 - 32 gain ch b // r = 2 - 63 gain ch a
while( sizecvt(digitalRead(data_pin)) );
for (i=0;i<24+r;i++) {
digitalWrite(clock_pin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(1); digitalWrite(clock_pin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(1);
} }
unsigned long read_cnt(long offset, int argc) {
long count;
int i;
count = 0;
while( sizecvt(digitalRead(data_pin)) ); digitalWrite(clock_pin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(.2);
for(i=0;i<24 ; i++) { digitalWrite(clock_pin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(.2); count = count << 1; if ( sizecvt(digitalRead(data_pin)) > 0 ) { count++; } digitalWrite(clock_pin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(.2); }
digitalWrite(clock_pin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(.2); digitalWrite(clock_pin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(.2);
// count = ~0x1800000 & count; // count = ~0x800000 & count;
if (count & 0x800000) {
count |= (long) ~0xffffff;
// if things are broken this will show actual data
if (argc < 2 ) {
for (i=32;i;i--) { printf("%d ", ((count-offset) & ( 1 << i )) > 0 ); }
printf("n: %10d - ", count - offset); printf("\n");
return (count - offset);