if ( $last_weight ) {
$delta_weight = $weight - $last_weight;
$delta_time = ($time - $last_time)/3600;
$delta_rain = $rain - $last_wx_rain;
if ($delta_time) { $dwdt = $delta_weight/$delta_time; }
# Begin NASA manipulation change filter
if ( ($weight_filter eq "NASA")
&& (abs $dwdt > $max_dwdt_lbs_per_hour) # if the change in weight exceeds the threshold
&& ($start_zero_weight == 0) # and the data is not starting off with zeros
&& ($quality != 6) ) # and this record is not flagged as a swarm (Quality 6)
{ # then don't count the change as daily change,
$manipulation_change += $delta_weight; # count it as manipulation change
$daily_change += $delta_weight; # otherwise, count it as part of the daily change
else { #first time through
$daily_change = $weight;
$first_graph_date = $row[0];
$last_wx_rain = $row[10];
$delta_rain = 0;
$last_weight = $weight;
$weight = $daily_change;
# end NASA filter
$last_temperature = $temperature;
$last_time = $time;