Interface the HX711 to Pi
Building a scale using the DCT Electronic HX711 board is as easy as Pi!
- Order the board from ebay
- Download the software from gitHub
- Solder headers in P5 and DCT board
- Solder the load cells to the DCT board.
- Change the GPIO pins from 30 and 31 to 28 and 30 in hx711.c This way they are all on one side of P5:
#define CLOCK_PIN 30 #define DATA_PIN 28
P5 | Pi | HX711 |
P5-1 | +5 | Vcc |
P5-3 | GPIO28 | DO/RX |
P5-5 | GPIO30 | CK/TX |
P5-7 | Ground | GND |
The DCT board comes with two sets of headers, straight and right angle, and a metal shield.
need a female header 1x4
Just need load cells and calibration
The HX711 spec sheet